epilogue|epilogues in English


[ep·i·logue || 'epɪlɒg]

concluding section added at the end of a literary work; speech delivered to the audience after the end of a play (also epilog)

Use "epilogue|epilogues" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "epilogue|epilogues" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "epilogue|epilogues", or refer to the context using the word "epilogue|epilogues" in the English Dictionary.

1. The sixth section epilogue.

2. Jucal’s story has a sort of epilogue.

3. I am deeply moved by his epilogue.

4. In this post we look at difference between epilogues, Afterwords, and appendices

5. Epilogue: Emergent (re‐)Assemblings of biological economies

6. Fortinbras speaks the epilogue in Shakespeare's ` Hamlet '.

7. However, there's an epilogue to this tale.

8. The play ended with a humorous epilogue.

9. The streets seemed very much an epilogue.

10. The thesis consists of introduction, text and epilogue.

11. Besides epilogue, there are four chapters in this paper.

12. This essay consists of three parts: preface, text and epilogue.

13. The epilogue told what eventually happened to the main characters.

14. In Shakespeare's plays an actor who recites the prologue and epilogue.

15. In chapter four, has a epilogue to conclude the whole thesis.

16. The epilogue claims that Childebert added six clauses and Chlothar ten.

17. The epilogue summarizes and generalizes the epistemic productions of this dissertation. Sentencedict.com

18. In the epilogue , the Silk Road resounds with the song of friendship.

19. This epilogue is included in still fewer manuscripts than the shorter prologue.

20. In the epilogue, Kate talks about her grief after Anna's death.

21. This article include the preface, the text, the epilogue and the postscript.

22. That scroll, or book, is the epilogue of the best-seller of all times.

23. Too long, and it ceases to be an Afterword and becomes instead an epilogue.

24. The film consists of four stories plus epilogue, set in 19 th - century Sicily.

25. An Afterword is an epilogue, or comment from the author at the end of a book